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Hi Ian

I thought I'd share these photo's which were taken at MT Section RAF Gibraltar during 1977-79.

The two WRAF's are Sue Shirmer (RIP) and myself Shirley McLachlan at the time of the picture. Sue and I shared some great times in Gibraltar.

Great website. Keep up the good work.


Shirley McLachlan


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Bob Moffat proving MTD's can also play the role of the SWO.

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Martin Owen sent in this collection from his album


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Charity Landrover pull from
RAF Brawdy to Withybush
Hospital in Haverfordwest.


My Dad & I just before I
went to war in the Falklands
in 82, taken from Uxbridge


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My rugby team winning the
RAF shield at Halton 1988.
RAF Gatow, Berlin I'm in
the rugby top, it was the inter
MT football tournament
Afcent Knights
My team in Holland

Paul Mason sent in this shot of himself at Templehof, Berlin.

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Hi Ian,

Last night was spent at a 40th Anniversary party of a couple I knew at Wildenrath in 1976. He has not until last night heard of the site, but as a fellow MTD I'm sure it won't be long. Does anyone remember this couple they are John & Christina Graham?


John R Cone

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Ian Ingamells sent in this large collection of faces from his time at North Luffenham 1987 - 89


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Paul Everington sent in these pictures from his album


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Exercise Lionheart




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Lee Piper (with cap on) and Graham Padget drinking at Akrotiri


Hi Ian,

Someone gave me this photo last week, its all MT from Laarbruch, There are a couple of fitters and the rest drivers. It was taken at Bad Lippspringe parachute center, we had all just completed a parachute course, it was 21st April 1984.

I (John Claxton) am in the middle of the front row partly behind the chap in the cap (Mitch), I have a broken foot, I broke it in 5 places on the jump, I didn't tell anyone as I didn't want to look stupid, but I was in a lot of pain. I remember all the faces, but only a couple of names, Stan, Mick Badcock, Andy Cutmore, Kev, Polly Barret, PJ Ellis, Mick Allcock, Don Hope, Phil McRacken, Paddy, Dylan Haowell, Mitch, Brian Embleton, these are the only names I remember, hope no one is offended that I have forgotten their name, I do actually remember them all really well, hope this brings back some nice memories for some.

John Claxton

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Pete Haley sent in the large collection of his snaps.



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Stewart Rowe sent in these photo's of 3 members of No 2 Group Driving School RAF Laarbruch 12 years after the school was disbanded in 1996, the first photo shows from left to right, Howard Pit, Stewart Rowe & Graham Blackford, who insisted he managed to get his car in other picture. As you can see we are all well, probably a bit wiser and enjoying civvy street.

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John R Cone at Tanker pool 1979 RAF Honington.

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Dave Bishoprick sent in this
collection of faces from
the late eighties.
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Kenny Tait
Christmas Day 1986
Neil Jupp & Dave Bishoprick
Boulmer 1989
Colin Todd, Daz Laws,
Neville Eady, John Tattersall,
Alan Little & Dave Bishoprick
Boulmer 1989

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Mal Royal
Boulmer 1989

Dave Dundas, Dave Bishoprick
& Mick Ibbotson
Cottesmore 1981
Mick Ibbotson, Dave Bishoprick
& John Summersgill
Cottesmore 1981
John Yardell, Dai Phipps,
Mark Duckett,
Debbie Bishoprick
& Steve Murray
Cottesmore 1981


This was taken in the Sgt's Mess at Xmas 2004. If you were an MTD at MPA at this time the chances are you are in this photo. There are a few Pongo's in there too.


Al Kennedy

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